Saturday, September 17, 2022

A New Leaf

I can't promise that I am going to keep this routine up, but I'd like to start shifting this blog to actually talking about the things that are (simple, or complicated) going on in my world/mind. Not saying I'll completely abandon my shoes - because I love them so - but let's be real: with my move to Canada (everything being in storage for a year), then the pandemic... as much as I love my heels, they've gone 98% untouched in the last 4 years. 

I might talk about random stuff, I might talk about something that's bothering me, I might talk about LGBTQ+/POC/Women's rights - what some might consider politics (I don't consider human rights politics, and you'll never see me promoting a politician on this blog... never say never, and all, but I just don't see it ever happening, it's not who I am). I HOPE we get back to a world where I can just talk about my shoes, and the outfit I paired with it, and why that makes me happy... because I feel like that's a blog we all can get on board with (those that followed me back in the day, anyway). For now, though, I feel like this is a better home for my "rants" than Facebook. It's my place, I'm safe here, and I can say things here without being scared of being put on warning, suspended, etc., because I am never going to say anything that warrants that, but that didn't stop FB from putting me on warning, anyway.


To start this new version of my rants: I'm going to go in small.

WHY: in 2022, are we still not able to transfer funds from US to Canada, and vice-versa via any of the apps (e-transfer, Venmo, CashApp, etc.), other than Paypal? Paypal comes with a stupid fee, and let's be real: there are a TON of people that are dual citizens, Permanent Residents, on visas, etc. between our two countries. Banks transfer funds internationally, everyday. All of these apps are transferring money between banks. What am I missing, here?

I'm living as an immigrant in Canada, with all of my family and friends in the US, and we have to talk through every financial swap like we're discussing pulling the plug for our living will. It's ridiculous. Don't get me started on holidays/birthdays. None of us can do gift cards, because of the difference of currency (that makes sense), unless you order direct from a site, and have it delivered to your person in the country of said site. Imagine doing that for the rest of your life, though. It's SO impersonal. When you bring that into the mix, though, shipping from the US to Canada (and vice-versa) is STUPID expensive. Like $20-50 per package. So, how are you ever supposed to find a gift for your loved one and think "Yep, this is worth this price x 2-10 the cost in shipping."? 

We're living in a world that is so stupid-far advanced
Yet, chooses to be so stupid, in everyday common sense. 

I'm sure there is a method to their madness. Keeping the common-folks down, and all... but as a girl living in the current world? I just want to feel like I'm still the same amount of human in Canada, as I was in the US.