We ran across this place on one of those weekends where you just drive around aimlessly and see what kind of fun you can find. Definitely one of my fave things to do when you want to get out of the house, but don’t really have anywhere you want to go. This particular weekend, we decided to drive through all of the little strip mall centers in Collierville and see what kind of stores we could find that we didn’t know existed. Enter Sheffield.
From the outside it doesn’t look like much. Very plain building, simple sign, no frills. We walked in the front door, and I said “Uh-oh… we’re in trouble.” Think flea market, but in a warehouse-sized building, and there all the time. If you’ve ever been to Black Lion in Opry Mills in Nashville – same concept. Multiple vendors under one roof, each in their own 6’ x 6’(ish) booth space. With a place like this, the ONLY way to tackle it, is start at one end and just weave your way up and down the aisles until you get to the other. Our first visit we had already been out shopping all day, and I’m not going to lie, my feet had had enough of the 5” heels I had on. I’m very much a “the pain doesn’t matter as long as the shoes look cute” kind of girl, but we got halfway through this building and I seriously felt like I had walked my feet off and was walking on bloody stumps. And that’s probably the most pleasant way I could describe it. Words don’t do it justice. So the second half of the building was a blur, I wasn’t really giving it the attention it needed. We decided to come back another day where we could devote the entire day to the mall, and REALLY explore each booth.
Cut to a week or so later. First stop, comfy shoes, in we dove. So many of the booths are just packed to the gills with knick-knacks that you REALLY have to explore every nook and cranny of the spaces to see everything the vendor has to offer. The only way I can give you a full idea of how much stuff there is to see is tell you our final shopping time upon exiting the building. 4.5 hours. FOUR. AND A HALF. HOURS. In one “store”. The booths cover every category you could ever imagine. From furniture and antique décor, to sports memorabilia, to clothes. The list goes on and on. We walked out with so many goodies, I could barely contain my excitement.
One of my faves was my new wine caddy.

It’s a shoe blog. Are you surprised?
I highly recommend you check it out if you’re in the Memphis area. It should be noted that Sheffield is actually undergoing expansion right now, adding more booths.
I can only imagine how long THAT shopping trip will be.